Posts Tagged ‘HTML’

GSoC Wrap-Up Review


This year’s summer has just come to and end, and so has the Summer of Code. It’s time to go over what I did while working on a performance testing framework for DUNE.

First, I wrote a Python program that measures the run time and resource consumption of an external program. It stores quite a lot of data, but the most useful are definitely time spent, top memory consumption, and computer parameters such as number of CPUs. The tool can then output this data into a temporary log file, store into a sqlite database, or upload it to a central server. Furthermore, it can generate nice graphical representations of the data in the form of HTML pages with javascript graphs. It is written in a very modular way, so while there is a script to tie it all together, each of the described actions can be done separately. This also minimizes external dependencies, so if the user doesn’t have the Python SQLite module installed, the database part is skipped.

Then, with help from my mentors, I tied the measurement tool into the DUNE build system, or rather, both of DUNE’s currently available build systems, autotools and cmake. This allows you to set minimal configuration, and then just run “make perftest” from the build directory, and all performance tests are performed, measured, stored, uplodaded and visualized. By using the build system directly, we can get information about the compiler used and its flags. This is important if you ever want to compare compilation with different compiler options. When run this way, the tool separately measures both the compilation time and run time. The compilation time may get quite long with a lot of templates, unnecessary includes and in general large code files, so such a test comes in handy for identifying compilation bottlenecks.

For displaying the results, I used Twitter Bootstrap, Dygraphs and Table.js, so the generated pages look quite nice. Graphs are interactive, and some table columns can be filtered for easier browsing. Some examples are shown here.

Results of a single text run

Results of a single text run


Graphical representation of results of repeated runs of the same test

Finally, I added a server component, implemented as a number of CGI scripts in Python. One of these endpoints receives uploaded log files, while another stores them into a ‘proper’, PostgreSQL database. This two-step process is used, so that processing can be done in batches and separately from uploading. For example, one could easily upload the data in some other way, like the secure copying with SSH. The current uploading setup is not completely open, as it requires a username and password, but these are stored in plaintext on the server.

With a server that accepts data from multiple computers, I could add some additional views. For example, there is a page that identifies outliers with adjustable tolerance. Outliers are data points with considerable deviation from the mean, which in our cases means unusually long run or compile times.

Server overview of all collected data

Server overview of all collected data

Results of a single run on a server

Results of a single run on a server

Aggregated results of a single test on a server

Aggregated results of a single test on a server

A page for finding outliers on a server

A page for finding outliers on a server

All in all, I would say my summer project was a success. It started a little slow, at first with a two-week pause because of a summer school I attended, and then when had to finish my master’s thesis a month before I expected. However, despite not always following the set schedule, I tried really hard to complete everything I set out in the timeline. This project had several different components, from the DUNE libraries in C++, the two build systems, Python, database programming and websites, so I had to learn some new things over the summer. For this I am grateful, and I would like to thank the DUNE developers again for giving me this chance.

I’m sorry I can’t attend the DUNE developer meeting this week, even though the developers invited me and even offered to cover my expenses. I’m giving a talk on the optics of liquid crystals at a conference in Kranjska Gora that happens to take place the exact same three days. However, I can say I enjoyed working on this project, and can only hope that my contributions will help others.

Thank you!

Dune performance visualization – first graphs

This week I managed to put together all the separate parts of measuring, storing and visualizing program performance. Now, there is a single Python command that runs an external executable, measuring its time and memory consumption, stores it first in a log file and then in a SQL database, and finally produces an HTML report with a graph. A sample output can be seen on the following screenshot.

First visual results of performance testing

First visual results of performance testing

The document formatting is courtesy of Twitter Bootstrap, while the graphs are made with JavaScript using the free library Dygraphs. Of course I plan to add more data to them, not just how long a program takes vs. when it was run. There is also no filtering yet, the two measurements with noticeable higher durations were actually with a slightly different test program.

Instructions for running the test are included in the code repository in the README file. Neither Bootstrap nor Dygraphs are included in the repository, and they both have to be in a specific location to work. Apart from that, you just have to run “” a couple of times (so that you have more than 1 point on the graph), and you already can see results similar to the ones above.